Events Calendar

Dr. Sax Event

Dr. Sax Event

A parenting workshop perfect for parents of ALL ages! Join us to hear NY Times Best Selling Author, Dr. Leonard Sax, give his presentation ‘Beyond Resilience.’

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Bosco Day at the Amerks

Bosco Day at the Amerks

Join St. John Bosco Schools for their anthem & color guard night with the Rochester Americans!

The Rochester Americans will be taking on the Laval Rocket on Sunday February 16th at 3:05pm. The National Anthem will be performed pregame by students from St. John Bosco Schools, and they will be accompanied by their fellow students doing the color guard. This discounted ticket offer is for those looking to come out with the group and support the students!

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Middle School Gaudete Party

Middle School Gaudete Party

"Gaudete" is a Latin word that means "rejoice". It is the name of the third Sunday of Advent, a day that celebrates the joy of anticipation for Christmas. The word "Gaudete" comes from the first word of the entrance antiphon for the Mass on this day, which is Philippians 4:4-5: "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice! Indeed, the Lord is near". 

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Lessons & Carols

Lessons & Carols

In this service, we listen to nine Scripture lessons which recount the Fall, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News.  Each lesson is followed by a carol or other song that reflects on the lesson's message and a brief prayer.

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Powers Farm Market

Powers Farm Market

Join us for a St. John Bosco Schools Tradition at Powers Farm Market. Enjoy cider and a sweet treat as we gather our community together for the live Nativity.

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Mom's Night Out

Mom's Night Out

MNO: Prayers and Pastries

Bosco moms, come together to pray for our families during a holy hour of Adoration, followed by dessert and conversation at the Sengenberger home!

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